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I see you… standing on the precipice of your leading edge.

A wild impulse stirs in your bones…

A truth builds momentum in the back of your throat, and coaxes you beyond the outer limit of the map in your hands.

The world hustles on around you, yet you’re at a standstill, quietly questioning everything…

I see you… standing on the precipice of your leading edge.

A wild impulse stirs in your bones…

A truth builds momentum in the back of your throat, and coaxes you beyond the outer limit of the map in your hands.

The world hustles on around you, yet you’re at a standstill, quietly questioning everything…

You know the next evolution of your life is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced, because it’s one of remembrance:

of who you are in total liberation, the relationships you’re here to experience, the unconditional love and opulence of your nature, what you truly value, and the legacy you’re here to live and leave.

You have the impulse to just relax into the next step, and allow the metamorphosis… but you’ve done so much in the world and so much “inner work” that it’s hard to fathom that there might be a whole new paradigm of awakening and thriving available to you.

Amidst all your success, you’ve learned that without love — without the whole of you — scarcity and stress ensue.

There is only more to work ‘towards’… more inner lack to compensate for… more to process and wrestle with… more to prove and more to lose… more illusive bliss to barter for.

You’ve already called bullshit.

You know the next evolution of your life is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced, because it’s one of remembrance:

of who you are in total liberation, the relationships you’re here to experience, the unconditional love and opulence of your nature, what you truly value, and the legacy you’re here to live and leave.

You have the impulse to just relax into the next step, and allow the metamorphosis… but you’ve done so much in the world and so much “inner work” that it’s hard to fathom that there might be a whole new paradigm of awakening and thriving available to you.

Amidst all your success, you’ve learned that without love — without the whole of you — scarcity and stress ensue.

There is only more to work ‘towards’… more inner lack to compensate for… more to process and wrestle with… more to prove and more to lose… more illusive bliss to barter for.

You’ve already called bullshit.

You’re no longer consenting to a culture where you feel your best self, relationships, family, life and impact are eternally “one more” silk curtain away.

Yet, in this moment of radical honesty with yourself, your mind’s most convincing argument is that you don’t know what to DO with this awareness to experience real change… so maybe you just have to resign to the residual doubts, fear, patterns and pain. ‘Just keep your head above water, but don’t dare ask for more.’

Hey. I dare you.

You’re no longer consenting to a culture where you feel your best self, relationships, family, life and impact are eternally “one more” silk curtain away.

Yet, in this moment of radical honesty with yourself, your mind’s most convincing argument is that you don’t know what to DO with this awareness to experience real change… so maybe you just have to resign to the residual doubts, fear, patterns and pain. ‘Just keep your head above water, but don’t dare ask for more.’

Hey. I dare you.

What if I told you that you don’t need to do any more ‘work’?
From this moment forward, your evolution no longer requires you to hustle, or grapple with pain. No more force, no more proving or explaining yourself, no more searching for the “better version” of you, no more “fixing to heal”.
What if I could guarantee that all you need now is to unveil your truth, expand your perspective, and surrender to the greatness that’s awakening inside you?

Your dream life, relationships and career organically arise from your delight. As you read these words, you feel it. It’s time for the most revolutionary pattern interruption — the most rebelliously sustainable transformation — of your life. 

My love, it’s time for you to fully fucking arrive, as all of you.

What if I told you that you don’t need to do any more ‘work’?
From this moment forward, your evolution no longer requires you to hustle, or grapple with pain. No more force, no more proving or explaining yourself, no more searching for the “better version” of you, no more “fixing to heal”.
What if I could guarantee that all you need now is to unveil your truth, expand your perspective, and surrender to the greatness that’s awakening inside you?

Your dream life, relationships and career organically arise from your delight. As you read these words, you feel it. It’s time for the most revolutionary pattern interruption — the most rebelliously sustainable transformation — of your life.

My love, it’s time for you to fully fucking arrive, as all of you.

What if I told you that you don’t need to do any more ‘work’?
From this moment forward, your evolution no longer requires you to hustle, or grapple with pain. No more force, no more proving or explaining yourself, no more searching for the “better version” of you, no more “fixing to heal”.
What if I could guarantee that all you need now is to unveil your truth, expand your perspective, and surrender to the greatness that’s awakening inside you?

Your dream life, relationships and career organically arise from your delight. As you read these words, you feel it. It’s time for the most revolutionary pattern interruption — the most rebelliously sustainable transformation — of your life.

My love, it’s time for you to fully fucking arrive, as all of you.

We are on the cusp of the next wave of our collective evolution — where trailblazers like you rewrite the scripts of oppression and stories of limitation.

I step in to help you become a new culture, from the inside-out. Because when you do, you write the genesis of a new world.

I’m here to help you become a conscious alchemist and architect of your reality, so you can truly inhabit the life you’ve always dreamt of — rich with orgasmic truth, freedom, ease and abundance.

i’ll be straight with you:

I know the ins and outs of the labyrinth that winds back to the liberation of body, mind, essence and relationship so well I could sniff my way to the breakthrough with eyes shut and hands tied.

This is the art I’ve devoted my life to.

We are on the cusp of the next wave of our collective evolution — where trailblazers like you rewrite the scripts of oppression and stories of limitation.

I step in to help you become a new culture, from the inside-out. Because when you do, you write the genesis of a new world.

I’m here to help you become a conscious alchemist and architect of your reality, so you can truly inhabit the life you’ve always dreamt of — rich with orgasmic truth, freedom, ease and abundance.

i’ll be straight with you:

I know the ins and outs of the labyrinth that winds back to the liberation of body, mind, essence and relationship so well I could sniff my way to the breakthrough with eyes shut and hands tied.

This is the art I’ve devoted my life to.

I’m the one you find when you are no longer willing to give anything greater validity and priority than the voice of your soul.

I’m the one you seek when you’re ready to experience your humanity and divinity as one.

I’m the one you walk with when you’re ready to awaken and know god in your partner, circumstances and creativity.

I’m the one you enter relationship with when you are ready to experience yourself as limitless, your body as sacred, and your desires as prophecy.

I’m the one you find when you are no longer willing to give anything greater validity and priority than the voice of your soul.

I’m the one you seek when you’re ready to experience your humanity and divinity as one.

I’m the one you walk with when you’re ready to awaken and know god in your partner, circumstances and creativity.

I’m the one you enter relationship with when you are ready to experience yourself as limitless, your body as sacred, and your desires as prophecy.

About Luna Valin


Multi-disciplinary mentor, executive consultant and transformational facilitator 

About Luna Valin


Multi-disciplinary mentor, executive consultant and transformational facilitator

Hey beautiful. I’m so glad you’ve landed here.

I specialize in transforming the roots of perceived limitation, so you can embody your essence and thrive in relationship to self, the divine, your partner, work, audience and reality.

My work is a unique convergence of somatic therapy, spiritual mentorship and relationship coaching.

I’ve spent the last decade refining my custom methodology to help you transform outdated identities and relationship patterns stored in the body…

so you can feel fully alive and liberated in your relationships, work in a way that regenerates you, and lead from your most powerful state.

I’m also an artist, rebel, visionary, maverick and goofball. Novice potter. Sourdough baker and foodie. Queer and polysexual human. Partner. Birth and Postpartum Doula. Kitty mama. Practicing anti-racist. Lover of all things wild, simple and free.

Whether you crave transformation within your relationships, leadership, spirituality, artistry, sexuality, menstrual cycle, emotion, entrepreneurship, or wealth… we unveil your desired reality, together.

About Luna Valin


Multi-disciplinary mentor, executive consultant and transformational facilitator

Hey beautiful. I’m so glad you’ve landed here.

I specialize in transforming the roots of perceived limitation, so you can embody your essence and thrive in relationship to self, the divine, your partner, work, audience and reality.

My work is a unique convergence of somatic therapy, spiritual mentorship and relationship coaching.

I’ve spent the last decade refining my custom methodology to help you transform outdated identities and relationship patterns stored in the body…

so you can feel fully alive and liberated in your relationships, work in a way that regenerates you, and lead from your most powerful state.

I’m also an artist, rebel, visionary, maverick and goofball. Novice potter. Sourdough baker and foodie. Queer and polysexual human. Partner. Birth and Postpartum Doula. Kitty mama. Practicing anti-racist. Lover of all things wild, simple and free.

Whether you crave transformation within your relationships, leadership, spirituality, artistry, sexuality, menstrual cycle, emotion, entrepreneurship, or wealth… we unveil your desired reality, together.

Hey beautiful. I’m so glad you’ve landed here.

I specialize in transforming the roots of perceived limitation, so you can embody your essence and thrive in relationship to self, the divine, your partner, work, audience and reality.

My work is a unique convergence of somatic therapy, spiritual mentorship and relationship coaching.

I’ve spent the last decade refining my custom methodology to help you transform outdated identities and relationship patterns stored in the body…

so you can feel fully alive and liberated in your relationships, work in a way that regenerates you, and lead from your most powerful state.

I’m also an artist, rebel, visionary, maverick and goofball. Novice potter. Sourdough baker and foodie. Queer and polysexual human. Partner. Birth and Postpartum Doula. Kitty mama. Practicing anti-racist. Lover of all things wild, simple and free.

Whether you crave transformation within your relationships, leadership, spirituality, artistry, sexuality, menstrual cycle, emotion, entrepreneurship, or wealth… we unveil your desired reality, together.

Our Context:

Now, my love, you’re reading these words because you’ve been privately invited or referred into Essence.

Essence represents and entails the dissolve of hierarchy in mentorship. I’ve seen again and again that the cultural norm of hierarchy that establishes mentor, therapist, teacher or service provider in positions of superiority, and mentee, client, student or customer as inferior, creates both codependency, and a one-sided dynamic that limits the sovereignty, value and transformative potential available in the relationship.

Even though I will lead you in all areas of my expertise, and this is a safe container devoted to you, I do not take on a position of superiority, nor will I allow you to take on a position of energetic inferiority.

My commitment to this allows you to truly rise beyond the paradigms of codependent and transactional relating, projecting ideals outside of you, and placing your power in the hands of others.

The context of Essence is liberated relationship: an experience that goes beyond transaction where you pay a professional for a specific number of hours, or a one-dimensional ‘guaranteed’ result.

I’m not here to sell you on what I can “give you”, as though there’s a problem within you that I somehow have the power to fix. The value, healing, presence and awakening you experience in any container is a gift you give yourself at a soul level. The power to transform your life lies within you alone.

Our relationship is fine-tuned and designed to awaken you more deeply to this power and choice.

With this in heart, ultimately Essence is an investment you make in yourself, and in the deepest desire and vision of your soul.

We are here to explore, open and give permission to your unique essence and Way in life.

The context of Essence is liberated relationship: an experience that goes beyond transaction where you pay a professional for a specific number of hours, or a one-dimensional ‘guaranteed’ result.

I’m not here to sell you on what I can “give you”, as though there’s a problem within you that I somehow have the power to fix. The value, healing, presence and awakening you experience in any container is a gift you give yourself at a soul level. The power to transform your life lies within you alone.

Our relationship is fine-tuned and designed to awaken you more deeply to this power and choice.

With this in heart, ultimately Essence is an investment you make in yourself, and in the deepest desire and vision of your soul.

We are here to explore, open and give permission to your unique essence and Way in life.

The value is unquantifiable, as it’s a reflection of your limitless nature.

So, we walk leader to leader; human to human; soul to soul. 

it ‘s time to hold nothing back –

it’s me and you, babe. Cheers.

Email [email protected] to dive in.

The value is unquantifiable, as it’s a reflection of your limitless nature.

So, we walk leader to leader; human to human; soul to soul. 

it ‘s time to hold nothing back –

it ‘s me and you, babe. Cheers.

Email [email protected] to dive in.

How Essence Works:


We enter a container of 1-3 years together.

All Access Sessions:

We can schedule sessions with a chosen rhythm. We have sessions however often you need and want, depending on the unique season of your life. 

Sessions can be anywhere from a potent 20minute touch-in to a three hour deep-dive. They are generally held via Zoom Audio or telephone.

Ongoing Connection:

Between sessions, we can connect via private messaging. This is a space for you to share updates and processes, be witnessed in celebrations, and ask questions as they arise in real time. Many of the most transformational sessions are sparked from conversations that start in messages.

How Essence Works:


We enter a container of 1-3 years together.

All Access Sessions:

We can schedule sessions with a chosen rhythm. We have sessions however often you need and want, depending on the unique season of your life. 

Sessions can be anywhere from a potent 20minute touch-in to a three hour deep-dive. They are generally held via Zoom Audio or telephone.

Ongoing Connection:

Between sessions, we can connect via private messaging. This is a space for you to share updates and processes, be witnessed in celebrations, and ask questions as they arise in real time. Many of the most transformational sessions are sparked from conversations that start in messages.

Optional Retreat:

Our journey can also include one or multiple in-person private retreats. We choose the place, timing, and all the details that delight us.

Optional Team Integration:

Click here to learn how you can bring this expansive journey to your executive team and organization.

Optional Retreat:

Our journey can also include one or multiple in-person private retreats. We choose the place, timing, and all the details that delight us.

Optional Team Integration:

Click here to learn how you can bring this expansive journey to your executive team and organization.

Your growth is truly sustainable when it’s led by the curiosity, joy and love of your essence.

Your growth becomes regenerative when you allow yourself to be nourished by the pleasure, play and magic of this life, unconditionally.

So, we are here to charter beyond what our minds have templates for —

into a wildly alive present, and a regenerative future.

Modalities & Disciplines

for the ultimate experience:

But first, a note: I can say that while I’m fully trained and experienced in a plethora of modalities, and utilize them fluently… the magic of Essence Mentorship cannot be reduced to this list. The real power lies in the unparalleled quality of presence in our relationship.

Somatic Therapy:

  • Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy
  • Nervous System and Subconscious Reprogramming
  • Internal Family Systems
  • Somatic Experiencing Tools
  • Hakomi Method Tools and Principles
  • Sensorimotor Psychology Applications
  • Somatic Stress Release™
  • Sacred Sexuality Practices and Revolutionary Sexual Trauma Healing Tools
  • Breathwork
  • Holistic Resistance and Self-Sabotage Transformation
  • Archetypal Embodiment and Identity Reorientation
  • Emotional Intelligence Practices
  • Need and Desire Ownership and Fulfillment
  • Birth Doula Work
  • Womb-Centered Living
  • Internalized Oppression Transformation
  • Disordered Eating and Body Image Dysmorphia Recovery
  • Menstrual Cycle Awareness
  • Polyvagal Theory Application
  • Five Element Chinese Medicine

Relationship Coaching:

  • Integrative Leadership and Conscious Influence Tools
  • Embodied Communication, Listening and Reflecting Skills
  • Somatic Awareness and Body Language Skills
  • Conflict Resolution and Rupture Repair
  • Co-Regulation Exercises
  • Emotional Maturity Practices
  • Applied Attachment Theory
  • “Know God in Your Partner” Relationship Transformation
  • Habit Building, Goal Setting and Accountability
  • Masculine-Feminine Energy Dynamics
  • Dom/Sub Energy Dynamics
  • Conscious Receivership
  • Tantric Intimacy and Communication Exercises
  • Couple’s and Ethical Non-Monogamy Relationship Therapy
  • Non-violent Communication
  • Play Therapy
  • Partnered Breathwork and Meditation Practices
  • Ancestral and Communal Ritual Healing
  • Team Culture Building and Vision Alignment

Spiritual Mentorship:

  • Quantum Essence Embodiment Method™
  • Somatic Reality Animation
  • VITA Method™: Vital and Integrated Tantric Approach
  • State Shifting and Manifestation
  • Quantum Physics “Nature of Reality” Knowledge and Application
  • Purpose and Wealth Embodiment
  • Shamanic Journeywork
  • Queer-Informed Artistic Inquiry
  • Traditional Tantric Wisdom and Philosophy
  • Embodied Visualization
  • Energy work
  • Perceptual and Archetypal Alchemy
  • Desire to Delight Alchemy
  • Gene Keys
  • The Art of Ritual
  • Temple Building and Stewardship

to begin your journey,

email [email protected]

To explore the essence vision, team consulting, and more of my world…

©2019-2024 Luna Valin. All rights reserved.