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Far too often, individuals and teams work tirelessly to steward a more free, artistic and harmonious world into existence…

Yet they do so from the same state of somatic dysregulation, stress and unfulfillment that originally powered the very systems and injustices they aim to dismantle. 

I support teams to consistently create and innovate from their most resourced, powerful, passionate and playful state.

My approach merges bespoke somatic therapy, spiritual mentorship and coaching to liberate the true potential within individuals and teams.

The Status Quo

As I’ve worked with industry leaders and executives over the past decade, this is what I’ve seen:

  • Dis-regulation and dis-embodiment run the show:

Individuals and teams dedicated to a more conscious and free world attempt to transcend societal norms, traumas and oppressive systems from within a fractured state of dysregulation originally established by those very systems. Hence, action is an expression of stress, not a solution to it. Their work is not effectively and sustainably directed towards team goals, but instead driven by the subconscious impulse to resolve the felt-sense of unsafety, not-enoughness, desperation and exhaustion.

  • What we’ve tried hasn’t worked:

Despite all of the resources available to support greater well-being, most teams consistently struggle with burnout, stress and dissociation. They implement countless trainings that band-aid, rather than address, underlying dynamics and patterns. As a result, the comprehensive body of the team is overlooked, and both intra- and inter-personal communication challenges repress the genius in each individual.

  • Self-relationship, development and fulfillment are overlooked ‘in service of’ the professional space:

Teams operate under the illusion that we can separate the personal from the professional. In reality, each individual’s relationship to self and personal history become systemic in your company because they define the unspoken cultural norms and expectations of your team. Team culture is often shaped by unconscious programming, rather than chosen intentionally in the present.

I support teams to consistently create and innovate from their most resourced, powerful, passionate and playful state.

My approach merges bespoke somatic therapy, spiritual mentorship and coaching to liberate the true potential within individuals and teams.

this is the space where you and your team:

  • Master somatic awareness and nervous system regulation to maximize efficiency and work in a regenerative way that prevents burnout
  • Revolutionize your communication with all aspects of self, team and audience
  • Unify your everyday actions with your true purpose, genius and spirituality
  • Liberate your perspective, art and expression
  • Execute the vision while embodying true harmony

The Status Quo

As I’ve worked with industry leaders and executives over the past decade, this is what I’ve seen:

  • Dis-regulation and dis-embodiment run the show:

Individuals and teams dedicated to a more conscious and free world attempt to transcend societal norms, traumas and oppressive systems from within a fractured state of dysregulation originally established by those very systems. Hence, action is an expression of stress, not a solution to it. Their work is not effectively and sustainably directed towards team goals, but instead driven by the subconscious impulse to resolve the felt-sense of unsafety, not-enoughness, desperation and exhaustion.

  • What we’ve tried hasn’t worked:

Despite all of the resources available to support greater well-being, most teams consistently struggle with burnout, stress and dissociation. They implement countless trainings that band-aid, rather than address, underlying dynamics and patterns. As a result, the comprehensive body of the team is overlooked, and both intra- and inter-personal communication challenges repress the genius in each individual.

  • Self-relationship, development and fulfillment are overlooked ‘in service of’ the professional space:

Teams operate under the illusion that we can separate the personal from the professional. In reality, each individual’s relationship to self and personal history become systemic in your company because they define the unspoken cultural norms and expectations of your team. Team culture is often shaped by unconscious programming, rather than chosen intentionally in the present.

this is the space where you & your team:

  • Master somatic awareness and nervous system regulation to maximize efficiency and work in a regenerative way that prevents burnout
  • Revolutionize your communication with all aspects of self, team and audience
  • Unify your everyday actions with your true purpose, genius and spirituality
  • Liberate your perspective, art and expression
  • Execute the vision with expert ease while embodying true harmony

you are legacy in motion.

When the team behind a mission is fully resourced, supported and inspired, the client and audience experience is radically transformed, and financial growth exponentially increases.

In this container, you will become a team of self-aware, confident and resilient leaders who truly embody their value, and communicate masterfully. Your team will be propelled by curiosity and conviction to create “everybody wins” scenarios no matter the context. You’ll continuously set the example for the most efficient, conscious and evolutionary version of your industry.

      you are legacy in motion. 

      When the team behind a mission is fully resourced, supported and inspired, the client and audience experience is radically transformed, and financial growth exponentially increases.

      In this container, you will become a team of self-aware, confident and resilient leaders who truly embody their value, and communicate masterfully. Your team will be propelled by curiosity and conviction to create “everybody wins” scenarios no matter the context. You’ll continuously set the example for the most efficient, conscious and evolutionary version of your industry.

        Ground Breaking Structure

        I design consulting packages according to the unique needs of your company.

        Ground Breaking Structure

        I design consulting packages according to the unique needs of your company.

        These can include, but are not limited to:

        Lead Figure: All Access


        • From 20 minute laser sessions to 3 hour deep-dives, I’ve got you when and as often as you need.


        • Between sessions, I’m at your fingertips to support you in every area of your life in real time.



        1:1 SESSIONS:

        I dedicate a consistent day or time window to your team every week, or biweekly. Each individual books their desired time.

        1:1 sessions are devoted to refining and cultivating individual healing, fulfillment, embodiment, leadership, emotional and relational intelligence, and more.


        We deep-dive with each team member to uncover and maximize core values, zones of excellence, and communication styles, as well as potential misalignments, misunderstandings, and differences in working style.


        Based on themes from the Whole Team Inventory, we attend to the bumps and kinks in your team’s effectiveness to create exceptional ease, flow and synergy.


        Miscommunication and conflict are opportunities to become a more powerful and unified team. We equip you with the knowledge and skills to navigate this opportunity effectively with confidence, compassion and precision.

        IN PERSON // IN-SITU

        Team retreats are an interpersonal and systemic experience. We laser in on and constructively illuminate cultural agreements that have been unconsciously established by each leader, and projected into the social body of the team or organization. As a group, we guide you to intentionally establish a leading-edge shared culture that includes world views, values, approaches, standards of communication, priorities and goals.

        We seamlessly blend 1:1 sessions for all team members, and whole-team integration work. This process not only enhances self-awareness and relational intelligence within each team member, but allows them to feel supported, understood, valued and empowered in real time personal and professional growth.

        We design the full experience according to what will elevate and evolve your entire team. As needed, we bring in expert facilitators to guide experiences ranging from the corporate and logical, to the somatic and ceremonial.

        Breakthroughs that occur in situ not only provide rich content to bring back to 1:1 sessions… but also shape the whole team into a more integrated and cohesive unit, ready to innovate and conquer new projects.

        Who I consult for:

        Trailblazer teams committed to pioneering new culture and setting an example of regenerative change in their industry.

        Industries I focus on:

        • Music, Art, Production and Entertainment
        • Creative Entrepreneurship
        • Health and Wellbeing
        • Progressive Technology
        • Environment
        • Humanitarian and NGO’s


        Your journey can include, but is not limited to:

        Lead Figure: All Access


        • From 20 minute laser sessions to 3 hour deep-dives, I’ve got you when and as often as you need.


        • Between sessions, I’m at your fingertips to support you in every area of your life in real time.



        1:1 SESSIONS:

        I dedicate a consistent day or time window to your team every week, or biweekly. Each individual books their desired time.

        1:1 sessions are devoted to refining and cultivating individual healing, fulfillment, embodiment, leadership, emotional and relational intelligence, and more.


        We deep-dive with each team member to uncover and maximize core values, zones of excellence, and communication styles, as well as potential misalignments, misunderstandings, and differences in working style.


        Based on themes from the Whole Team Inventory, we attend to the bumps and kinks in your team’s effectiveness to create exceptional ease, flow and synergy.


        Miscommunication and conflict are opportunities to become a more powerful and unified team. We equip you with the knowledge and skills to navigate this opportunity effectively with confidence, compassion and precision.

        IN PERSON // IN-SITU

        Team retreats are an interpersonal and systemic experience. We laser in on and constructively illuminate cultural agreements that have been unconsciously established by each leader, and projected into the social body of the team or organization. As a group, we guide you to intentionally establish a leading-edge shared culture that includes world views, values, approaches, standards of communication, priorities and goals.

        We seamlessly blend 1:1 sessions for all team members, and whole-team integration work. This process not only enhances self-awareness and relational intelligence within each team member, but allows them to feel supported, understood, valued and empowered in real time personal and professional growth.

        We design the full experience according to what will elevate and evolve your entire team. As needed, we bring in expert facilitators to guide experiences ranging from the corporate and logical, to the somatic and ceremonial.

        Breakthroughs that occur in situ not only provide rich content to bring back to 1:1 sessions… but also shape the whole team into a more integrated and cohesive unit, ready to innovate and conquer new projects.

        Who I consult for:

        Trailblazer teams committed to pioneering new culture and setting an example of regenerative change in their industry.

        Industries I focus on:

        • Music, Art, Production and Entertainment
        • Creative Entrepreneurship
        • Health and Wellbeing
        • Progressive Technology
        • Environment
        • Humanitarian and NGO’s


        You run an established 7+ figure company and want to support your executive team of 3-10 people.

        You are a benefactor who desires to provide these consulting services to the executive team of a company or non-profit you deeply believe in.

        Next Steps:

        Fill out the contact form to set up a consultation call.

        11 + 11 =

        Note: I consult on a case-by-case basis and only take on 2-4 teams per year that I’m deeply inspired by and passionate about supporting.

        If we know we’re the right fit, we’ll design your custom journey.

        1) You run an established 7+ figure company and want to support your executive team of 3-8 people.

        2) You are a benefactor who desires to provide these consulting services to the executive team of a company or non-profit you deeply believe in.

        Next Steps:

        Fill out the contact form to set up a consultation call.

        3 + 4 =

        Note: I consult on a case-by-case basis and only take on 2-4 teams per year that I’m deeply inspired by and passionate about supporting.

        If we know we’re the right fit, we’ll design your custom journey.

        ©2022-2024 Luna Valin. All rights reserved.